Tell her The truth

From Create Your Own Story

You wanted to tell Claudia every single thought that was going through your head, the mental images that was tearing at your soul. Claudia: My-My? But all you could mumble was: "I hope I don't get killed" Claudia: WHAT?! Why would you think Iris would ever let such a thing happen? Myona: Because that's what soldiers do! They die! You mom hits you! Mom: This is exactly your school is about to call social services on me, talking about that scrap to your self! ((It's okay!)) Myona: SO keep talking to myself Mom: NO STOP talking to herself! Geez... you get that from your daddy. Claudia: " I'm sorry My-My. Myona: I cant talk to you right now. Mom: mumble mumble mumble Myona: -_- Claudia: Well, I'll talk and you listen. ... Iris is a kind and thoughtful person, she wouldn't throw you in war to die. Trust me she's told me herself that she would help all of us be absolutely safe Myona: *about to say something* Claudia: Don't WORRY. Have some faith! WHAT DO YOU SAY TO HER?!

* You're glasses are far too Rosy for this world

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