BR: take the bag with the two pistols and knife

From Create Your Own Story

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You tuck the gun in your hand into your sock and take the pistols from the bag and tuck them into your belt. You empty the sodas and sandwiches into one bag and pass it to Rhonda.

'Thanks.' She says hesitantly.

'If we're traveling together there's no need for both of us to be weighed down. You take the bag and the shotgun - shoot anyone who comes too close. I'll need to be quick and agile if I'm going to use these pistols properly.'

Rhonda nods. 'Where do we go now?' She asks.

BR: North.

BR: South.

BR: East.

BR: West.


Character: Zach Brach

Alive: 50 students

Hours Remaining: 72

Weapons Aquired: Pistols x 3, Knife

Friends: Rhonda

Kills: 1 non-contestant

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