D&D: Try to attack him

From Create Your Own Story

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As he gropes your breast, thinking you are helpless and subdued, you take the opportunity to send your knee up, aiming for his groin. He cries in pain as you hit him, and while he staggers to the ground you use the opportunity to run away. However, you barely manage to get away several feet from him, as you trip over a small wooden stool and fall to the floor, face and breasts forward. With your hands securely tied behind your back and your face down on the floor, you struggle to get up. Just as you manage to roll over and get on your knees, you notice the mage looming over you, looking very angry.

"You will pay for that, you stupid cow!" he says as he kicks your ass, sending you sprawling on the floor again.

Do you:

D&D: Stop resisting and let him have his way with you

D&D: Try to run away

D&D: He starts torturing you

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