Tell Angela to let you rest

From Create Your Own Story

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You feel your eyelids growing heavy. "Just give me... a moment... to..."

Your eyes close on their own. You fade into a dreamless sleep.

You slowly filter back to consciousness. The restraints are gone from your body. Angela is lying naked on the bed and has you nestled softly against her beautiful, massive body. "Hello again," she whispers. "I think I wore you out earlier."

"Uuuuhhh," you moan. You blink your eyes a few times to help you get fully awake. "That was very enjoyable."

Angela's hand caresses your leg, then slides between your legs to gently stimulate your pole. "Would you like more?" she husks. "I'd love to have you inside me. I'd ride you and you could suckle my breasts. How about it, stud?"

Health Horny Location:

Angela's Apartment

MP 0
Level 1
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