Victim: Wait patiently for him.

From Create Your Own Story

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You realize there is no escape. Whatever turn your life takes from here, it will not be for the better. You have no idea what your father left for; if he wanted to kill you he could have done it. If he wanted to rape you he coud have done it.

When he comes back, your stomach sinks. He stumbles back down the stairs with one of the neighbors in tow: the jittery man from across the street, who is now more jittery than ever.

"There she is," your father says with no fanfare, gesturing to your naked body. You cover yourself up as best you can, but the neighbor still looks you over with a creepy gaze.

"H-how much, did you say?" he asks. "Just for a... er... for oral."

Your father sighs, and looks at you. "Twenty?" he asks.

"O-oh, surely, she's not worth more than ten. I doubt she's ever suc- er, performed before." He smiles at you in a way that is supposed to be reassuring, but is anything but. "Such a nice girl. Such a tender girl..."

"Fifteen," your father states flatly. The neighbor thinks for a moment, then agrees and hands him the money. He seems to wait for your father to leave, but instead he gets, "I'll stay here... to make sure you don't cheat me. And to keep this slut in line..."

With a shrug, the jittery man unbuckles his belt and pulls down his jeans and briefs, exposing a seven-inch penis that, on another man, you might have been pleased to please. The man is younger than your father (probably only early 30s at worst) and is attractive enough, though his attitude is not.

Gender Female <- Equipment ->
Age 14 Nothing
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