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You sit and wait for the teens to finish their playtime and go back home. The leader seems to be the shorter of the two girls in that she is the most energetic and comes up with most of the ideas about what to do. The taller girl is the least enthusiastic of the three, and she also seems to be the least comfortable being naked. The boy never spends a moment looking at anything but the two naked girls in front of him, and seems to be all-around honored to be given this opportunity.

Eventually the tall girl notices their clothes are missing and the three make a patrol around the clearing looking for them. You realize you cannot reasonably give them the remaining clothes back, tell them that you lost half of them, and expect to go unpunished, so you hide behind your bush. At one point the boy comes dangerously close to you, but passes by without a second thought.

"This... is going to be tricky," the short girl finally announces. All three seem nervous, but only she seems more or less in control.

The tall girl seems the most shaken up. "We can't let my dad find us. He won't understand. No, he'll... he'll just..."

"If we just wait here he'll come looking for us," the short girl replies as the boy rubs the taller girl's back. "Our only hope is to make it back and sneak into your room without him seeing."

After they all agree to this, they set off in a different direction than the way they came in.


What if the boy had found you? He was so close, too.


An oversized shirt.

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