An Embarrassing Adventure/mud wrestling-match one

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You step gingerly into the mud pit. The wet mud is ankle-deep, but the teens have cleared the floor of the pit of rocks and twigs so a large area in the middle has only firmer mud beneath it. As the two girls stand across from you, you let it sink in how absurd and naughty this all this. You are about two mud wrestle naked against two teenage girls, while a naked teenage boy watches on? You feel your face heat up, your stomach lurch, and a faint tingling in your crotch as the match approaches.

The girls finish whispering strategy to one another, and the short girl gestures to the boy and calls out, "He'll count the pins. Leaving the pit means you lose, a three count means you lose." With a wink, she adds, "Oh, and play nice."

The wink brings goosebumps to your arm. You will definitely have to watch out for her.

The boy meekly calls out, "Begin!" and the three of you begin circling each other.


Blushing, nervous, tingling. What are you doing?!



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