An Embarrassing Adventure/outside-run away

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You suddenly become flustered at all the attention you are getting. To be fair, you are an attractive young woman, naked but for a towel, drawing a lot of attention to yourself. A few people start walking towards you from the sidewalk and you panic; even if they have good intentions, this situation is just too embarrassing! You live near here! What if someone recognizes you?

You run away from them, unfortunately also away from the front door. You still have a mind to get back into the spa somehow, so you follow the perimeter of the building...

...into a grimy alley. It is not terribly wide and far from clean, but you keep running until you run past a dumpster and hide behind it. You wait and listen intently for anyone following you.

Before you are confident of your escape, a mangy dog peeks his head around the dumpster from where you ran in. Did you run past it without noticing? Regardless, he bares its teeth and emits a low-pitched growl.

How do you handle the dog?


Flustered and scared.


An embroidered towel.

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