An Embarrassing Adventure/dozen-spread

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Wait, what are you doing? Does he have this much control over you? There must be something to that theory, because in a matter of moments he has convinced you to get naked and spread your legs in front of a dozen strangers.

You are sweating and not just from the sauna's heat. Everyone is looking at your most private part, which is becoming more slick with moisture with every passing second. You cannot believe your eyes, but some of them are discretely rubbing themselves through or underneath their towels. This is absurd!

Is this you? Are you... an exhibitionist? Or is it just the authority he is giving you? Are you just excited because he is dominating you?

One of the women climb up to his bench's level and whisper something in his ear. Although his face remains stern, he smirks at whatever it is she is saying to him. He turns to look at one of the men in his group who tears his gaze from your exposed crotch in response. "Do you wanna fuck her?"

Again, without thinking, you gasp "What?!" He immediately stands up, even more displeased than last time.

"Was I speaking to you?!" he yells. "Apologize to me!"

The reality of the situation sinking in, you cover yourself and try to build up the courage to say or do anything.

"That's it! Bring her over here!" he demands, causing everyone to move.

Your do or die instincts kick in, and you suddenly bolt for the door, picking up your towel along the way. One of the men also grabs it, threatening to slow you down with a tug of war or worse. The lust in his eyes is frightening, and you pull the towel from his hands, running into the halls as countless footsteps follow after you.

Hopelessly, you take every intersection at random, more lost than you have been since you entered this maze of hallways. The acoustics of it make the footsteps sound like they are coming from all directions, but mercifully you find a door and run through it... are outside. Before this fact can fully sink in, the door closes behind you, with no handle or knob on this side of it. You are standing maybe ten feet from the sidewalk in front of the spa, with the front door far into the distance, completely naked. You recover enough to wrap your towel back around your body. Thankfully it is not ripped from the tug of war.

It looks like this is the beginning of an embarrassing adventure.


Completely red. What the hell was that?!


An embroidered towel.

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