An Embarrassing Adventure/non-toweled woman

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You poke your head into a room with only a single, naked woman and ask if you can share the room with her; she seemed friendly enough, and you can handle a little nudity in this context. She smiles a little too friendly in response, and waves you in.

As you sit down a reasonable distance from her on the opposite side of the room, you notice her towel is nowhere to be seen. Did she traverse the maze of hallways in the nude? Just thinking about it makes you blush a little.

She has already closed her eyes and reclined against the bench behind her, so you decide to do the same. The feeling of the steam on your skin is heavenly, and soon your stress seems to melt away.

You open your eyes with your head pointed towards the ceiling, but think you catch some movement out of the edge of your vision. Sure enough, your sauna mate has her hand in her crotch and seems to be slowly rubbing her finger up and down her inner lips, her eyes still closed.

You consider coughing or moving nonchalantly to remind her that she is not alone, but you are caught up in the novely of her exhibition. Soon, she inserts one of her fingers into herself, and a quiet, wet noise periodically pierces the silence of the room. Surely, even if you had not opened your eyes you would have in response to the sound. Does she realize-

"Enjoying the show?" she calls out. You look up from her hand and find that she has been staring at you for an indeterminate amount of time. "How about you slip out of that towel and give me a show too?"

You couldn't do that, could you?


Caught red-handed.


An embroidered towel.

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