Pi Pi Pi/Garden service worker

From Create Your Own Story

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You like being outdoors and operating machines, so you decide to apply for the garden service worker job. The job posting tells you to show up at the gardening office to apply. The woman behind the desk tells you where the gardening office is, and you walk there.

The gardening office looks like a big shed. You walk in and see lawn mowers, leaf blowers, hedge trimmers, and all kinds of gardening supplies. In one corner of the shed is a little office with a light on. You go over to the office and open the door.

"Hello," you call as you open the door.

"Oh, hello," says a middle-aged man looking up from his desk. "Can I help you?"

"Um. Yea. I want to apply for the garden service worker job," you respond.

"Great. Great," the man says excitedly. "We've really been needing somebody. You look like you can handle a lawn mower. You're a student, right?

"Yes. I'm a freshman. Just got here today," you reply.

"Great. When can you start?" he asks

"Right away, I guess," you respond, surprised that you got the job so easily.

"Great," the man smiles, "Let me see," he continues, looking at a map on the wall. "You're assignment will be this area here," he says, pointing to an area on the map shaded in gray. Then, he hands you a piece of paper. "This is tells you what your responsibilities are. Basically, you just make sure the lawn, hedges, flowers, trees, and anything else that's green always looks nice. I need you to work every day, but it's a part-time job, so I don't care what hours you work--as long as it's 20 hours a week. Oh, and there are some dormitories in this area, so you shouldn't start too early in the morning unless you want to make people mad at you. Any questions?"

"No," you say, not sure what you are getting yourself in for.

"Great," he says again. "School doesn't start for a couple of days, so why don't you show up tomorrow morning around 8. I'll give you a tour here and take you over to your area to start."

What happens on your first day of work?

Job Gardener
Fucks 0
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