Examine the actual vomit for clues

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:05, 11 January 2012 by SeraphNova (Talk | contribs)

You move closer as you hesitantly examine the vomit on the floor..

You notice it has bits of noodle-like objects in it as if they were moving. It made you wonder if you had a bowl of Pho for dinner last night.

You give your eyes a rub to make sure that your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. After blinking a few times you examine closer, you realize those noodle-like objects are actually worms making you vomit some more!

After expelling the last drop you wipe your mouth and look around. You notice a bottle of clear liquid at the corner of the room.

What do you do?

Run away from the disgusting vomit and toward the bed to look for other clues

Proceed to examine the object with your vomit

Examine the bottle of clear liquid

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