Pokemon: battle safely and slowly
From Create Your Own Story
Your Boltie is commanded a charm. It learned this attack a while ago, in the forest, but during training a while ago, Boltie practiced it to make it even cuter. Hearts spring up around Boltie,a and shoot at Poliwag. It glows white. The attack is so good, the judges make the man loose a bit of points.
Boltie than uses thundershcok, weakening the mesmerized oliwag
"Waggy" says the man in an accent, "mud shot!" "Waggy, looks reluctant, but lets out a weak mus shot, Boltie dodges for another Thudnershock. Tiis happens a couple more tiems, and 30 seconds on the clock. You have to think fast. Poliwag is UBER close to fainting, and Bolie's gotten hit by one of the mud shots and is a WAY lower level. Therefor is weak. Just one last Thundershock would finish it off, so it's just that simple. Poliwag sure is slow, and spurts some mus in desperation as the electricity hits it. Pichu jumps back form the mud sport (a little too late for that, you think to Poliwag)
And poliwag faints. You've done it! And defeated a a high level.
backstage, your really happy. You and Clarissa are the winners, so will battle each other in the finals. Your Boltie really happy too. Everyone gets healed up, and it starts.
Clarrisa send out her Pokemon, Squirtle You send out Boltie and have her use...
Pichu: (female) Hp: 19 Att: 15 Def: 16 Sp Att: 20 Spd: 20 |Health=100%|Level 12} Special Attacks: Thundershock, Tail Whip, Growl, Charm
Pidgey: (female) Hp: 17 Att: 11 Def: 10 Sp Att: Spd: 13 |Health=100%|Level 7} Special Attacks: Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack
Rattata: (male) Hp: 14 Att: 10 Def: 7 Sp Att: 5 Spd: 10 |Health=100%|Level 5} Special Attacks: Tail Whip
Pokeballs: 6 Potions: 6 Oran Berries: 12 Sitris Berries: 6 Pecha berries: 6 Cheri berries: 1 Rawst berries: 1
Money: $465.49