G: Introduction

From Create Your Own Story

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Just another day, just another story...

The night was silent. There was a light, cool breeze brushing upon the grassy fields of Hearteson. In one of the fields lie two children, probably around the age of 12 or 13. One a handsome young boy named Harris, while the other was a girl called Suzie. Laying next to each other, gazing upon the beautiful starry night, Harris decided to ask a question.

"You ever wonder how we began?"

Suzie turns her head towards him, "What do you mean?"

"You know," Harris replies, "How we ever began, how this world began, how the universe started."

"Oh that's easy!" She exclaims, "Billions of years ago, there was an event called 'the Big Bang'. Now this was-"

"I know what that is, I've been listening in Science class. What I mean is, what if we're wrong? What if, we were just some little simulation that an advanced intelligent species used for their entertainment or other purposes."

"You mean like a game?"

"Yes! That's exactly what I mean!"

"How would that be possible? Creating a huge world like this. That would take a huge computer!"

"I wouldn't know, but in fifty years, maybe that could be possible, maybe we could make a world such as this in a computer. You never know."

The two then ramble on about the possibility of this occurring, what if Harris is right, what if we ourselves are just some character in a computer game being played by an advanced intelligent species. Eventually, the conversation begins to fade, before they return back to the silence they once had at the beginning, but Suzie asks one more question, one question which you will decide upon.

"If in fifty or so years, we do get the chance to play a simulation like this world," She asks with a face expecting an answer, "What would you do?"

"Well, I wouldn't know.."

"I'd make the world an 'eco friendly' place! Where humans take care of the world and make sure that global warming doesn't occur. What about you?"


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