The next day...

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:05, 25 November 2011 by Snowball (Talk | contribs)

You enthusiastically get out of bed at dawn to begin your first whole day as the captain of Midnight. It's a beautiful day for sailing: the sky is cloudless, the weather is cool and the breeze is strong. Your ship is one of the first to leave port, and it almost seems like the ocean belongs to you alone. Once you reach the open sea, you have a meeting with Pedro, Roderigo and Raquel.

"So... where to, captain?" asks Father Pedro, who is not only the ship's priest and physician but also the navigator.

"Wherever the wind takes us!" you declare with theatrical fervor.

"Uh... sure... but can we be a bit more specific?"

"Maaaaaybe," you admit sheepishly. "Where do you people go, usually?"

Raquel rolls her eyes.

"Sometimes we go to Skull Crag, the island of the Pirate King," she says. "He often has well-paid jobs for us. When we want to raid, we go to the mouth of the Rio Amarillo: a lot of merchant ships pass there. Or we can finally get around to finding that treasure..." She shows you a map.

"Though, the Queen has been discreetly asking pirates to eliminate some enemies from the Bounty Hunting Post," Roderigo calls from his post. Raquel gives him a glare.

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