BE:DNA DM/ Denice Oaklen (Endothermic Temperature Control)

From Create Your Own Story

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Full Name: Denice Oaklen

Height: 5'8 feet

Weight: 123 pounds

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair: Dark brown, upper back length, straight

Eyes: Light Brown

Physical Shape: Thin

Date of Birth: Y-2006 M-11 D-30

Birthplace: Rome, New York

Job: Student, fast food cashier

Additional Notes: Denice lives in a lower-middle class community. Her father is a butcher and her mother runs a bakery, leaving her by herself most of the day to pay for her education on top of expenses. She does not do a lot of physical activity. Her main hobbies include reading and drawing nature. She has a small group of friends she accompanies, performing various group activities with them. In school she is bullied by other cliques because of her studious nature. Her grades are quite high in most subjects, however they are slightly below average in gym. She works as a cashier in a fast food restaurant during the summer. Her teachers and employers describe her as kind, gentle, trusting and polite. She does not appear to have any combat training and is not strong at all. Despite this, her blood tested positive for the genes required thus automatically selecting her for our experiment. She does not take drugs or medication of any kind currently and is healthy by all looks and appearances. If she survives the injection phase let us hope her developments grant her the power to compensate for her lack of combat ability.

End of document. Command?

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