D&D: Straight ahead to the open door

From Create Your Own Story

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When you reach the open door and peer through the doorway using the light of your torch you see only a large room with a black cloth hanging from the wall on the far side and a black cloth covering something in the center of the room. There is also a small table on the far side next to the hanging cloth that has a small stack of papers on it. You place your torch in the holder on the wall near the door illuminating the entire room. Walking up to the unknown item in the center of the room you pull the black sheet off and see something you were not expecting to see, and are not quite sure what it's for.

You see an object about the size of a large chair or small bench. It looks like an upside down v with a support underneath making it look more like a capital A the top point of the A coming up to your stomach. On the top in the center of this odd looking device is a six inch long phallic like rod.

Do you:

D&D: Pull the black cloth off the wall

D&D: Investigate the papers on the table

D&D: Realize that you are not alone in this room

Or would you like to go back and:

D&D: Take the left doorway

D&D: Go right to the door

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