
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:01, 11 September 2011 by TheElderOnes (Talk | contribs)
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"Better late than never..." you mutter, wrapping your left hand around the handle of the bat and holding it out in front of yourself. Vanessa remains oblivious, humming to herself as you slink up behind her. You stop, and take a moment to think. Does Vanessa really deserve this? She never really did anything...

"It doesn't matter. Kill her, girl. Kill her." your conscience (or lack of one) barks at you. It seems unfamiliar, and you begin to wonder if you really have finally lost it. Whatever. If you have, it's too late to get "it" back.

You tilt the bat to the side, sliding you left hand up to grip the top. You walk up behind Vanessa as quietly as you can and hold the bat above her for a second, breathing in deeply. With a sudden movement, you bring the bat down and pull it into Vanessa's throat. She gasps and grabs at the bat, trying to pull it away from her neck. You, however, are aided by inhuman adrenaline and easily overpower her, pulling the bat closer to yourself and applying greater pressure. Eventually, she goes limp and you release the bat, allowing it to roll down and across her lap, falling at her feet.

Looking at it now, you get an idea. You lightly push her upper back away from the chair, allowing her to fall and rest her head on the desk. "Heh..." you think to yourself, turning to leave the room. "...she looks like she just passed out and -plop-, right on her desk." It brings a small smile to your face, and you almost wish you'd be around long enough to see how long it'd take Vanessa's parents to realize she's dead.

But, getting back to the task at hand, it's time to return ho-

Something shifts behind you. Footsteps. Almost a run. No... could she-?

You turn to check on Vanessa and receive the bat into your stomach. Clutching it as you fall to your ass, you look up. Vanessa stands over you, breathing heavily and wielding the very thing that you thought had killed her. Oh god, she has the advantage now. No way can she beat you. If she manages to keep you down until her parents come home - or worse, she kills you - your plans are completely screwed. Right now, all you have is instinct.

And, lucky for you, instinct is screaming at you already. You bring your foot back and stomp her between the legs, pushing her backwards away from you and partially onto the desk as she stumbles and falls, her back smashing into the edge as she lands. You stare into each others eyes, both having fallen down, gripping yourself in pain, both eyeing the bat she dropped when she fell. It's closer to her, so you waste no time in getting back up and starting for it. She follows, and, of course, gets the bat first. She jabs it forwards with one hand, using the other to brace herself against the desk.

"M-Megan... what the fuck has gotten into you? Good god, girl! I thought we were friends! Get the hell out of here before I beat the shit out of you!" She spits, jabbing again to emphasize the "shit".

It surprises you, actually. She was rarely vulgar prior to this. Then again, nearly being murdered by your best friend would probably change you...

"Are you stupid or something? I said get out or I'll be-!" She tries to bark out another threat, but is interrupted when you snatch the bat from her hand, smirking.

"You know, you never really were good at thinking under pressure, Vanessa. This is for your own good, trust me."

You use the shock she's still feeling from you suddenly but simply gaining the upper hand, and the confusion of your statement to swing the bat once in an upward arc, throwing her head back and seating her on her desk. Well... so much for the surprise permanent nap situation. You give her another swing to the side of the head, and then another. And another. The fourth hit causes her to drop off the side of her desk and fall to the floor, unmoving. A thin trickle of blood escapes her mouth as her eyes vacantly stare off under her bed.

Laughing, you prop the bat back up where you found it. Stupid girl.

You clear your head as you descend the stairs. Finally, you can actually go home.

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