Lei is with Fen, the 11 year old daughter.

From Create Your Own Story

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You recognize the second person as Fen, the 11 year old daughter, she was an annoying little brat that you had despised since you first saw her, while everybody else thought she was a wonderful little angel, which was likely why you despised her so much.

A devious grin forms on your face as you realize something, this is a perfect opportunity to have Fen used for the sacrifice, as you'd need only to seduce Lei to get to her...

"Hi there Lei" you hiss seductively as you approach the counter

"Hello! Need something?" he replies cheerfully

"Yeah, I was hoping to get an egg roll" you reply

"here you go lady" comes the excessively cheery voice of Fen, you want to choke her, badly, as she hands you a Styrofoam plate with an egg roll on it

"Fen! you're supposed to wait until after they pay to give them the food!" Lei exclaimed, before turning back to you "sorry, that's going to be $1.50 please"

"oh, right" you feign ignorance, followed by pretending to search your pockets, only to come up empty "oops, looks like I left my money at home..." you said glancing seductively at him "... maybe there is another way I could pay for it?" you suggest, followed by deep-throating the egg roll

Lei blushed brightly, he clearly caught on to what you were suggesting...

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