Tell Miss S your favorite movie character is Mad Dog from Hard Boiled

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:12, 8 August 2011 by AgentVincent (Talk | contribs)

By rubbing your face against the surface, you're able to adjust the blindfold. You regain some of your sight.

"My favorite movie character is Mad Dog from Hard Boiled," you tell Miss S.

"Hard Boiled?" she says. "That sounds familiar..."

An object hits her on the back of her head. She picks it up- and realizes it's a grenade.


Her blood splatters all over you. Mad Dog emerges from the doorway.

"Thanks man!" you exclaim. "Can you get me out of here?"

"Hmmm...." Mad Dog says as he looks over your bonds. He takes out his gun and fires into them, cutting you free.

You get up to thank him and fall right on the floor. Mad Dog accidentally shot off your feet. You look at your hands and realize he shot them off too. You quickly pass out and die.

Wow... worst rescuer ever!

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