Check out some shops, you may find something you want to buy.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:41, 20 July 2011 by Aegisofawakening (Talk | contribs)
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You all decide to go to the garden of eden store. Max finds the name ironic because there is a statue of Buddha inside. Not to mention dozens of swords, airsoft guns, and a picture of Chuck Norris. The store being an antique shop had many interesting items. Kayla, being exhausted of money as always asks Max for some money.

Max sighs and does his usual half smile then says, "Can't you buy anything yourself for once?"

Kayla puts on a puppy dog face and says "No." in such a serious way that its almost funny. Max almost laughs and that and asks her how much she needed. Once Max heard that it was only 8$ he complied almost cheerfully. You all walk out of the store seeing that much of the stuff is just too expensive.

you can:

go to the food court. after the movie you must all be a little hungry

go back home, it was a fun day but even the best must come to an end

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