MOTDE: "Treccia, run off and fetch this Lyzzia while we stay here to prepare"

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Later that night Treccia returns with a somewhat short but curvy looking young girl. The unknown woman stands cautiously by the entrance. She has the same oval face, crescent shaped shoulder length hair, and golden eyes as Solaria.

Treccia bows her head at you. "Sister-superior, may I introduce Lyzzia of Valon. Honorable daughter of Matriarch Vizzra of Valon. And direct descendant of sixteen Matriarchs' of Valon."

You sit on a chair near the back of the tent while Rainye and Minvir stands on opposites sides of the room, watching without emotion.

"I great you with much pleasantries lady Lyzzia," you say courteously.

Lyzzia seems genuinely surprised, and even a bit dumbfounded at the generous and honorable introduction she´s receiving. The girl is not proficient in hiding her thoughts and emotions at all. Clan Char and clan Valon are always at each other's throats. Since Char is the strongest and most influential clan in Velzaria, and clan Valon is vying for that power, conflict is regular and bloody. The rivalry has been driven to the point where clan Valon´s general policy is to oppose and sabotage every decision your clan makes. So pleasantries are the last to be expected.

Your sister steps off to the sides, next to Minvir, and watches on.

The girl seems a bit unsure of herself. She steps forward to the center of the room (Minvir and Rainye has removed the table that usually stands there), then properly kneels by bending her upper body.

"Co-commander Daine of clan Char," she says with the same courteousness that you showed her.

Lyzzia wears a beautifully decorated and well-polished breastplate which hold her plump breast together. But the breastplate is cut so low that when she bows plenty of voluptuous cleavage is clearly exposed to your prying eyes. The girl rises.

"Lady Lyzzia," you begin, "we come from rivaling clans you and I. However, I, as well as my mother High-Matriarch Macinia, feels that in light of this fateful raid on the surface-dwellers our two families should attempt reconciliation."

Lyzzia is visibly surprised once again, but her expression quickly changes into that of self-satisfactory slyness. In Drow society, seeking reconciliation without force or blackmail is seen as just a subtle way of pleading and begging for mercy. Lyzzia now has you, the co-commander and firstborn daughter of the greatest clan of Velzaria, pleading at her in your own tent.

"Yes well, your clan is wise to take this path Daine." Now her own courteousness is gone, she even leaves out your title as she speaks your name, a great offense.

"Could I honor you with a simple drink lady Lyzzia?" You ask as Rainye and Minvir steps out of the corners with trays in their hands. Rainye heads for Lyzzia while Minvir walks towards you, the honorable huntresses being transformed into simple maids.

Lyzzia snatches the cup on the tray without much thought and drinks it all down. You do the same as Minvir and Rainye return to their previous positions.

"After all," you continue, "even though I am High-Huntress and co-commander, I am only the descendant of five straight Matriarchs'. While you descend from a line of an astonishing sixteen straight Matriarchs! So there is no reason for me not to act respectful of your clan lady Lyzzia."

Lyzzia groans to clear her throat. "Hrmm, yes," she says a bit irritated.

You can see her breath becoming a bit heavier, and she blinks a lot too.

"Would you be so kind to come a bit closer Lady Lyzzia?" You ask, the potion working quickly.

Lyzzia does so, focusing just on keeping the correct posture as she moves over to you. The girl is probably a bit light headed and annoyingly hot right now.

She stops about a meter away from you. In your pants your cock has begun to stiffen in anticipation, bulging out on the tight black leather. She catches a quick flash of it and hastily averts her eyes.

"Is something the matter?" you dumbly ask.

She swallows before responding, "no."

She takes another quick look at your bulge, it´s now throbbing. She averts her eyes even quicker than before. The girl now looking seriously unnerved. Rainye closes the tent doors.

"I was told you are very ambitious, you aim for becoming a commander someday I presume?" you ask with a soft voice.

"Y-Yes," Lyzzia´s voice now shudders and she rubs her thighs together while talking. The girl has a hard time standing still.

"Well," you chuckle, "I have other plans for you."

Still sitting you unbutton your pants and out jump your fully erected black pole throbbing in the open.

"Ahhh..." Her eyes grow wide and fearful, she eyes the cock with wanton horror.

"Kneel." You say softly but commandingly.

The daughter of Vizzra kneels and crawls to your feet. She is panting with her wet mouth open and her eyes are ashamed but wildly lustful. The girl is in a trance, despite the unbelievable shame of it she can´t help but to be aroused by the heavy musk smell of your cock and its sheer girth and length.

You have her in the palm of your hand.

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