William's illness is more important; leave Kellar to his gypsies.

From Create Your Own Story

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You were about to answer Nigel when his wife's voice rang out through the foyer when she said in a firm tone,"You are not going anywhere tonight,Nigel,but to bed whlie,Robert fetches the doctor to look at your foot",Nigel repiled testily by saying,"that he was fine..",when Elspbeth's voice took a pleading tone,"Please,Nigel,you are running yourself ragged and it's doing no one any good, especially William."

Nigel looked like he was going to respond but then saw his wife's face and gently said,"Yes,you are right dear,l am doing no one any good,especially William",before turning to his butler Jacobs and said "Could you help me to our chambers whlie Robert goes and gets the doctor?",Jacobs simply nodded and the two men made their way slowly whlie Robert the huntsman went to get the doctor.

You were about to turn around and go back upstairs to tell William about what happened,when you heard Elspbeth's voice call out for you and she looks like she is about to fall over as you hurry over to her and led her to a pair of chairs in the living room.

Elspbeth gratefully sits down whlie you go and get a glass of water and watch her drink it before you put the glass to the side and turn your attention back to her as Elspbeth places a hand ontop of yours and said "that she is happy to have you here despite of everything",which makes you smile as the woman that you remembered Elspbeth to be emerges and the two of you hug briefly before Jacobs appears literally out of no where and tells her that her husband is calling for her and the two of you stand up and hugged each other once more before Elspbeth left with Jacobs but not before telling you that the two of you need to talk and you sharply nodded as you watch them leave the foyer.

You make your way up to William's room and quietly enter,only to see William pawning himself off, you must have had made a noise or something as William's head jumps up and the two of you look each other in the eye for a few seconds before you make your way to his bed.

As soon as you are in bed,William crushes you to him as you kiss whlie your hands trail a blazing path down his chest and you gently grab his appendex and give it a light squeeze which made William moan before muttering to himself,"that he should have perhaps waited until you had gotten out of your clothes",as he was having a difficult time undressing you which made you laugh as he finally unbuttoned the dress that you were wearing down enough for you to simming out of it before crushing his lips to yours again as he gently pushed you down on his bed.

Do William and you engage in foreplay? or Get right in the thick of things?

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