Look at the strange symbols on the blackboard

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Something about the symbols look... familiar somehow. You walk towards them. They appear to be glowing.

You can't quite explain it but, you sense a purpose from them, a meaning. You stare at them, willing them to show you their meaning. Suddenly images start appearing, sounds surround you -Joy...light..laughter..children playing...a picnic...a piano playing...- The sensations keep coming and you realise you can't free yourself from them. You start to panic but you realise you can't move!

You hear a noise from behind you, the person from the chair? You have a sudden urge to hide but you can't move, you realise you're completly at this persons mercy. To attempt to move again but before you can do anything -the taste of snow...a feeling of weightlessness...a bright white light...birds singing...a womans voice-

"Nononononono Don't touch that!" The woman attempts to scramble over the back of the chair, but only ends up tipping the chair over a sprawling over the floor, paper goes flying. She seems to be panicing, and you desperatly try to move, the sensations are starting to hurt, you need to get out! "Okay, okay I can fix this. I just, I just.....aaaah okay, okay, ummmm, shaaaa!" She takes a deep breath and appears to calm down somewhat. You however, are still frantically trying to move, and failing misreably.

"Okay, okay so this, this should hurt....lots but yeah. Next time no bad touch!" She glares at you, then backs up a bit and hurls herself at you. You feel a bit of resistance and then your free! You find yourself sprawled on the ground, freedom! But, the agony! Your entire body screams in pain, and you feel a need to touch the symbols again, to be near them. Like they could comfort you somehow. Why did she take you from them! They were only tring to help! You try to get up but the strange woman jumps ontop of you and holds you tightly. She forces your arms to your sides, and you find you can't move them at all, you struggle for a moment but give up when there is no progress. This woman is strong!

"Listen to me! It's trying to force you back to it but you have to fight it! Regain control, it's a symbol for crying outloud! Your will is stronger than it! Fight!" You feel yourself calming down somewhat, you still feel the need, the want, the pain, but it's lessening. You try not to think of it, and your mind quickly wanders onto the woman desperatly clutching you. She's wearing a simple, summer dress and has long, white hair. She's short and looks frail, you wonder how she's managing to restrain you? Her eyes are closed tightly and she's panting. You feel her shivering on you. She looks up, into your eyes. Her eyes are bright purple, it entrances you. She stands up. Now that you have a clear view of her you wonder why you thought of her as a woman? She looks young, and is a couple of heads shorter than you. How did this child overpower you?!

"Do you have ANY idea how long it took me to set this up? I was close, so, so close!" She paces back towards the blackboard, you remain where you are, hesitant to go back towards it. "Why did I even bother to free you from it? I mean, it's already ruined. I...I almost had it." She faces you, glaring. "Who the heck are you? I don't recognise you, and how exactly did you get in? This room is dead-locked, and it's not even like you people like going near us! Your kind tend to have more sense! And letting a symbol effect you? Just how pathetic are you?!" Your head aches slightly and you wonder wether you truely earned this assult. You have a strong urge to run and be free of this place, but this child just saved you, surely she deserves an explanation?

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