Girl Scout Cookies/Spank Claire over your knee

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You sit down and guide Claire over your knee. She looks back nervously as you let your hand rub her soft, round ass.


"Ooohh," she gasps as your first slap is on the lighter side. You take your time and rub her as some more until she isn't looking.


"Arghh," she yells more painfully as you spank her harder. This time you don't wait as long before giving her two more good swats, one on each cheek, making her jump and squirm on top of your thighs. You let your hand drift down and notice a growing dampness between her thin brown pubes.

"You like this," you say half surprised as you swat her some more. As her pale asscheeks develop a deep blush, you surprise her with a swat on her exposed twat. "Fuck! Ahh," she moans. You hit her twat a couple more times before sticking your finger in her now drenched slit.

You look at the clock then make Claire look up at you. "I still have a half hour to use you as my fucktoy. Is my fucktoy going to behave?"

"Yes, sir."

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