Rescue/Tell him to search the register for the paper

From Create Your Own Story

< Rescue
Revision as of 06:50, 2 March 2011 by TheElderOnes (Talk | contribs)
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Tearing up due to pressure and stress, I bark a "There's a piece of paper in the register. Find it. Now." at him. He nods, and opens it. I look out the window to check on my car, and it's still there. Turning back, I realize that I'm not the only one with a gun. He's got a shotgun trained at my face. Screaming, I duck, and he fires. As he pumps the gun, I run around a shelf to the back of an aisle. Having no experience with a gun, I pull the trigger without pulling the slide back. What would have been a head shot on him is nothing. Frustrated, I toss the gun at him. It hits him in the groin, and he yelps. I run to the door to get the hell out, and have my hand on the door bar when I feel something tear my legs apart. I fall over and realize I've been shot, but survived, as it was a non-lethal shot. I try to crawl to the bathrooms, but the clerk kicks me onto my back, and places the shotgun onto my forehead. As I plead with him through my tears, he simply cocks the gun again, and blows my head into pieces before calling the police.


Status Dead Location:

A convenience store

Time (Of Death) 9:18 PM
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