The Echidna Tale/Imp Ellen

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< The Echidna Tale
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Geber decided to use his daughter. It'd be easier, cheaper, and the imp might very well be more powerful as a result. He had given up on morality a long time ago, this'd be no different from many things in his past...

He prepared for the ritual, cleaning up his laboratory, preparing the materials, drawing the spell circle and taking a good amount of precautions. Trying out a new spell was always risky, but this'd be more powerful and complex than nearly anything he had ever tried before. After he was satisfied, he realised how hungry he was. Emerging from the laboratory, he told his wife to make some food for him. She looked quite annoyed at Geber, but he didn't care.

After the food, Geber walked to his daughters' room. They were both inside.

"Daddy?" he asked Ellen, his younger daughter. The elder one, Audrey, seemed to be angry at him for some reason. He cared not.

"Ellen, you need to come with you to the laboratory." he told her.

"W, why? You've never let me come down there before..." she said, looking surprised. Audrey looked quite shocked as well.

"Hey! What are you planning to do with her?" Audrey asked.

"It's none of your business, Audrey. You can play together later.". Geber had no idea if she'd still be interested in playing with her after all that, but he didn't have the time to deal with some uppity young daughter of his.

"O-okay..." Ellen said, standing up and walking up to him.

Geber led her quickly down to his laboratory, locking the door behind him. Ellen jumped in shock as she heard the heavy lock click.

"W-why did you lock the door, daddy?" she asked.

"You know that I always lock the door when I perform important experiments." he said dismissively. "Now, why don't you sit down for a second."

Half-satisfied with the explanation, Ellen looked around the laboratory. It was the first time she got a good look at it: it smelled weird, looked weird and had an all-around weird atmosphere, but there wasn't anything genuinely scary there. No skulls or bottled newts, as she had feared.

Geber walked over to a shelf, picked up something, and walked behind his daughter. She tried turning head to see what he was doing, but he grasped her head firmly to prevent her from doing so. Before she had the chance to react, she heard a sharp prick on her neck.

"O-ow, daddy, what did you do...?" she asked in a shocked voice. He didn't respond, and she tried rising up, only to find that her legs couldn't support her anymore. Geber caught his daughter before she slumped on the ground.

"This'll pass in a few minutes. I'll just need to get you tied down, it wouldn't have been good if you tried running away." he explained, dragging her on a table with a spell circle drawn on it as if she were a puppet with its strings cut. He started undressing Ellen as she weakly tried to resist, but she was far too weak to do much.

"Stop... daddy, stop..." she said with tears in her eyes. Geber felt genuinely bad for doing this by now, but he figured it was idiotic to turn back at this point. He had gone through so much to get where he was, and right now, he had the chance to lose or gain everything. After his daughter was naked, he bound her to the table with leather straps, one to keep each of her limbs in place.

He made a small cut on his wrist, pouring some of his blood to a small cup and bandaging himself up before mixing some exotic looking ingredients with the contents of the cup. The effects of the drug had nearly almost passed, but she was firmly wrapped down. She quickly found out that trying to trash and squirm her way out of the situation wouldn't help.

He moved over his daughter, still pleading him to release her, to let her go. He ignored her and begun the ritual. Drawing symbols all over her body with his own blood, sprinkling salt and crushed nitrate as small piles on her, he chanted the words that were written down on the scroll. Ellen, almost scared out of her mind, initially screamed for help, but she eventually calmed down as the ritual progressed. After an hour or so, it seemed the symbols were ready, as he placed the cup of blood, now almost empty, on another table. Ellen didn't feel anything special.

"Daddy...? Is it over?" she asked with a small voice. Still saying nothing, he walked over to her and examined his work. He had fail-safes in place, designed to protect himself, but if he had gotten a detail wrong, he could risk losing his ingredients, even his daughter. After finding no problems with the spell, he uttered the last syllable, triggering the spell.

Ellen screamed in horror as she felt waves of heat going through her body, the bloody symbols lighting up and the sweet smell of burning nitrate filling her nostrils. The symbols drawn on her seemed to meld with her flesh, and soon her body started changing. Her nails and teeth grew longer and sharper, capable of tearing through flesh with ease. Her skin and blonde hair started slowly taking a strange hue, eventually turning unnaturally pink. She grew two small horns on her forehead, small wings on her back and a small tail, with a pointy end. Her eyes turned yellow and glowing, her irises enlarging. Eventually, the symbols seemed to sink inside her flesh, disappearing.

The physical changes were nothing compared to the mental ones. Her screams of fear quickly changed into screams of pleasure as the waves of heat turned into arousal. Strange feelings and thoughts invaded her mind, whispering to her, changing her. She was overwhelmed by them: she felt love and loyalty towards her mother, not the old one, but the new one, her true creator; she felt hatred and anger towards her father, for doing this to her, for making her feel that vulnerable and scared, for destroying her humanity; she felt lust and she felt hunger, strong feelings filling her heart, ending her innocence forever.

The spell was almost over. Geber looked at his daughter, or what she had become, and she looked back with an empty expression. He leaned closer to kiss her on the lips, and she responded, taking her due.

Ellen had never tasted anything like that. It was merely a small bit, the slightest nibble she got from him, but it was enough to fill her with power and raw happiness. Hungrily absorbing the piece of the soul, she was now completely reborn.

She smiled at the man she hated, licking her lips, and with a seductive voice she said: "Thank you, master."

She would seduce him, wrap him around her fingers, force him to feed her again and again and again. The more of his soul she had, the more control she would have over him. And when he'd be drained empty, she'd destroy him for what he had done, happily presenting his soul for her mother to feast on.

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