Dead Reckoning- Search Your Pockets

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:15, 17 February 2011 by Coolbeg334433 (Talk | contribs)

You sift through both pants pockets frantically, searching for something to light your surroundings. Your left pocket reveals a parking garage pass, your wallet, and your cell phone whose battery is completely dead. Your right pocket includes a knife and a flip lighter.

As you flip the flint to the lighter, the flame reveals you to be laying on the floor of a small toll booth. Lifting the light with you as you crawl to your knees, you find what appears to be the occupant of this station... or what is left of him anyways. The body looks as if ravaged by an animal of some sort. His chest and abdominal cavity have been completely exposed, and the skin covering his face has been eaten away. The name tag beside him reads "DAN" along with a photograph of the mangled garage security guard.

You can't move, can barely think. What if whatever did this is still here? What if it comes back? You need to take action, but whatever you do you know you have to hurry.

As your mind races, you decide you need to:

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