She just lost her home, and this was her first night

From Create Your Own Story

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"Here's my story," she begins "Everything was going great for me, just got a pay raise at work, so I bought a little place to call my own" tears well up in her eyes. "One night at work, I was called in to see the manager, I was in a good mood thinking I was getting spot-lighted for doing a great job" she sighs "turns out, this creep that kept asking me out, and I kept rejecting, told the manager, Jim, that I was sexually harassing him! Can you believe the nerve?" she sobs "So I got fired. While looking for work, my mortgage company calls up, saying there is an issue, and they are repossessing my home. And now I have no where to live, I'm hungry, and cold!"

She continues crying uncontrollably. You wrap you arms around her to help her keep warm, and comfort her, while enjoying the feel of her breasts pressed against yours through thin layers of t-shirts.

"I can help you stay warm," you whisper softly.

"Thank ... you," her crying letting up a little.

"I'm sorry that happened, but if you don't mind my asking a few personal questions..." you begin.

"I don't mind, ask away," she says sitting up to look you in the eye.

"Don't you have family, friends, or even a lover you could have stayed with?"

How does she answer?

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