TSRM- Play with her legs?

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:40, 14 June 2019 by Durzan (Talk | contribs)

No longer interested with what the show is you hand Bayley the remote, with a quick yip of joy she beings to flip between shows trying to find something which she would like. Placing her hands on the base of her knees the warmth of her body seeps into your finger tips, smooth like that of silk you grin joyfully. Eyes locked on the screen Bayley either doesn't care or is to distracted to, shifting your hands you causally move them up the length of her pale legs making small circles with your finger tips as you do. Occasional giggles come from Bayley as your hands tickle her thighs, but her eyes never follow your movements as one of her favorite brain washing shows has come on. Landing upon her leg with your other hand you begin to stroke Bayley's legs, up and down you stroke across her smooth surface. Your dick prods against the bottom of her legs where they rest on your crouch, each slide of your hand presses her legs against it.

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