Head over to the red light district

From Create Your Own Story

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You get up and get changed. You've decided to wear just a t-shirt and sweat pants, due to some advice you got from a stripper saying that naughty girls love that. As you're en route you start going over the potential establishments that could suit your needs.

Firstly, there's the Doll's Playhouse, probably considered the most classy of whorehouses. It's got a smooth 1940's feel and the girls all look like some variation of Jessica Rabbit, Marilyn Monroe, and Emma Stone's character in that movie Gangster Squad. It's highly frowned upon to visit without a suit of some sort, so you may have to pick one up on the way. Then again, maybe you don't mind being frowned upon.

Next there's Roulette, a casino that's also a brothel. Gambling, eating, drinking, and fucking all under the same roof. Not a bad concept at all. The problem is, all the 10's in there are flocking around the high rollers trying to seduce his winnings off him. Meanwhile, the rest of the staff is only above average, and could care less about you or your "needs".

Then you have the Woodhouse, a substantially large, one-roomed, log cabin that functions as a brothel. The girls are average, the service is average, the bar is average, even the building itself isn't anything out of the ordinary. The bright side is it's a lot more affordable than the Playhouse and no risk like the Roulette. Straight forward. Easy.

Lastly is Third Person, and is the most popular because it's completely free. Ignoring the fact that everything done in there is recorded for later sale and has a live stream to the internet, it's an amazing place. Also ignoring the possibility of getting all sorts of itchies and scratches all over your man parts, you don't have to spend a dime. Great!

Go for class at the Playhouse

Aces high at the Roulette

Average is fine. The Woodhouse it is

Free!? Third Person for the win

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