Lay down and let the pitcher take you on the bathroom floor

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 09:56, 4 March 2020 by Kreaturewithak (Talk | contribs)

Giggling your excitement you move down on to the cold tiles of the bathroom floor and lay back. You then spread your legs to invite the pitcher into your wet lips, already dripping in anticipation. A bit quieter this time, it lets out another "Oh, yeah!" and kneels beneath you. It's limbs making little "clink" sounds upon making contact with the floor. It then enters you, slowly, filling you up and forcing a soft moan from your mouth. It's surprisingly warm, and smooth, and has a single ridge as if to imitate a penis head. It's divine.

You wrap your legs around it's body thrusting it in deeper your fire building inside you. It's face remains seemingly blank while it ramming deeper and harder inside you, causing the liquid to splash back and fourth in it's open head. It grabs your hips and pulls you tighter to penetrate even deeper into your wet pussy. You start squeezing your breasts as the orgasm approaches. Moaning louder and louder as it fills your depths faster and deeper and faster.

Your in ecstasy as the steady "clap-clap-clap" of the of the pitcher slamming inside you fills the room. Your body is slick with sweat and your panting and moaning and losing yourself. You pull it in with your legs even faster and it responds "Oh, yeah." as it re-doubles it's tempo. You can't take it anymore. The tingling starts all over you body and your legs tremble as you cum hard on the glass. And as if to follow suit the pitcher suddenly yells "OOOHHHH, YEEEAAAAAHHH!!" as he explodes a hot, sticky load inside you. Before stopping to stare a your now freshly fucked figure beneath it.

You notice that the strange liquid inside the pitcher has lowered quite a bit, and up on reaching down and checking with your hand, you confirm your theory. This pitcher is literally full of cum. Strange. Red. Cum. You lick one of your fingers and find it's actually quite sweet. Do you:

Pull the pitcher in to fuck you again

Clean the pitcher up with your mouth

Flip over and give the pitcher your ass

Decide that's enough pitcher sex

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