Youth Pastor - seduce the teen

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:51, 19 January 2018 by Crazyair2006 (Talk | contribs)

The situation is perfect it's just you and the brother and sister time to turn things up. "So Wendy I couldn't help notice you've been staring at my bulge all night" you find it helps to get them off balance by saying something shocking.

Wendy blushes at being called out like that "well that is to say I mean I just" she stammers incoherently struggling to find the words.

You smile "that's ok take a breath. Do you want to see it?" She doesn't say anything nods wordlessly but doesn't know what to do. You take her hand and guide it to your pants she takes the hint and unbuttons the top then pulls the zipper down slowly. Wendy takes a deep breath and she reaches in and pulls your cock out. It's not fully erect but is getting there. Wendy lets go and stares lustfully at it "There see, do you like that?" Her mouth is open and she nods "do you want to touch it?" You ask her.

"No" she says but nods yes.

"Are you sure?" You ask

"Yes" she responds but nods no. She hesitantly reaches out and grabs it, she's not really sure what to do but your cock twitches and gets harder.

Overall this is going well Greg is sitting there dumbfounded but seems to be into what's going on.

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