Ask their parents if Greg and Wendy can stay behind

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:37, 18 January 2018 by Crazyair2006 (Talk | contribs)

You greet Greg and Wendy's parents, they seem like nice people, "hello thank you so much for bringing your kids to tonight's youth group. It's so nice seeing the youth participate in thier faith." You say being very warm and friendly.

The smile and the mother talks "yes it's so nice that we have a youth pastor again someone who can relate with the kids and help them see god's love" they both smile at you.

You smile at them "I was wondering if it was possible if Greg and Wendy stay afterwards, I know it would be late but I could use some teens for leadership, I find it helps when fellow teens take on that responsibility and I think your kids would be good candidates."

The couple talk it over and respond "sure that's fine it's not a school night and we'd know where they were it's fine but are you ok driving them home?"

"Oh it would be my pleasure, least I could do for keeping them late." You say with a warm smile on your face

They leave. Other teens show up, it's an ok turn out 12 girls and 6 boys. You start the meeting

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