Invisible Boy

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:59, 13 January 2014 by Cannon (Talk | contribs)

Invisible Boy is an adult story about a fourteen-year-old boy named Brian who discovers that he has the power to become invisible at will. How will he use it? That, dear reader, is up to you.


You live in a small house along with:

  • Dorothy, 36. Your mother.
  • John, 50. Your father.
  • Robert, 11. Your younger brother.
  • Lisa, 17. Your older sister.

Across town lives:

  • Alice, 42. Your aunt.

Next to Aunt Alice lives:

  • Julia, 40. Your aunt.
  • Paul, 48. Your uncle.

You are a hardworking student on the basketball team who isn't known for making trouble.


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