New World Survival

From Create Your Own Story

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You are a 22-year-old female with short brunette hair, hazel eyes, and a slender body. You have just graduated from college with a Bachelor's degree in finance, now you are ready to find your dream job and take on the world! With your newly acquired academic achievement, you brim with confidence as you email your resume to all the major finance corporations and eagerly await their reply. Much to your disappointment, two weeks went by without so much as a response. You begin to wonder if you had gone into the wrong field of study and wasted four precious years of your life studying something that won't help you find a job. Just as you begin to doubt yourself, the phone rings. You eagerly pick it up.

"Hello?" You said with anticipation.

"Hello, can I speak with Alex please?" The voice of a man on the other end replied.

"Yes, this is Alex." You replied enthusiastically.

"Oh...I see." The man's voice sounded hesitant at your response. "I...Well okay. My name is Wilson Clark and I'm calling on behalf of the human resource department at the Arnold & Reynold Finance Corporation. You are receiving this call because we have an entry-level position that we feel you may be qualified for..."

"Uh huh. Uh huh." You eagerly agreed.

"Well, anyways. Based on your resume we had thought that you were a man." Mr.Clark continued. "And we are actually looking strictly for a male candidate to fill this position."

"Oh..." That's when you realized that you never actually specified your gender on your resume, and Alex IS kind of a unisex name. Plus, all your extracurricular activities, like graphic design and intramural basketball, doesn't exactly fit into the stereotypical category of girly hobbies. No wonder they got confused.

"So yeah, I'm sorry. But I guess I'll have to try another candidate." Mr.Clark said in an apologetic tone. "Well, thank you for your time and I wish you the best of luck..."

You begin to panic; this is the only opportunity you have and it's about to slip away. All because you're a girl? Man, this sucks! I wish I was borne a man! Suddenly a light bulb lit up in your head...

"Wait!" You shouted before the man could hang up.

"Uh, yes?"

Say "Nevermind" and hang up the phone.

Call him a sexist, discriminatory bastard.

Lie about your identity.

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