The Royal Guard/Chapter One/1

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< The Royal Guard
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Hello reader, and welcome to Bluffrock, high seat of the King of Terla. You're very welcome. Let's get you comfortable in your new skin, shall we?

You are Tobias Windholdt, Royal Guard and elite soldier of the realm. I won't tell you what you look like because, well, you know that already, don't you? Suffice to say, you're a handsome devil, and don't you know it. You're also a skilled swordsman, renowned tactician, and something of a ladies' man. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Your rise through the ranks to Royal Guard was unprecendented, and you've reached a level of seniority almost unheard of for someone of your youthful years. Barely into your third decade, you're something of a rising star.

So let's get straight to the story.


The throne room was busy. That's all you allow yourself to notice as you stand rigidly by the stone wall, your pike locked in your iron grip. You don't have time to let yourself be distracted; you have a king to guard.

With a gaze that borders on arrogance, you cast your eyes over the throngs of people. To your left sit the king and queen in heated discussion with their chief advisor, an elderly man in his early-seventies. You care not what they are arguing about; it is not your place to know.

It is your place to keep the regents safe, however, and make sure that no threats to the throne come forth to do harm. On your elevation to Royal Guard you swore an oath that you would rather die than see harm befall a member of the royal family.

And so you are little uncomfortable at the presence of the elves in the throne room. They are standing slightly back from proceedings, clearly awaiting the king's attention once more, but you do not mistake their apparent ease for unwariness. It is quite obvious that any of these pointy-eared tree-dwellers could strike a man down before he could blink.

Quite why they were allowed to keep their weaponry is beyond you, but it is not your place to question the orders of royalty - just to make sure they're enforced.

It is then that one of their number catches your eye. She seems to be quite gorgeous, although you can't quite tell. You're unsure of what to do.

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