Zombie Survival 18+/Male

From Create Your Own Story

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WIP I will start by adding a few origins, then branch off and make more once I complete the ones I've already started. I will try to make every story line as unique as I can. And I'll keep writing if you keep reading.

You are Matthew Ferris, a strong physically fit man. You are of average height with green eyes, and brown hair. You are 25 years of age. Here you will pick your origin, how you were raised, and where you will start your story.

You were born, and raised in northern Michigan, and as far back as you can remember you have been hunting, and fishing. Your father taught you everything you know about the outdoors, and you've naturally adapted to the lifestyle. Sitting still, and staying quiet for long periods of time come naturally to you, and you're an excellent shot. You are skilled at tracking, and living off the land. Although you've never put those skills to test in a survival situation. You currently live in downstate Michigan. 2 hour car ride from Detroit, but still far too close for your liking. You work as a Deputy Sheriff in the employ of the county. You own several guns, and are well trained in their use. You're a no nonsense man, liking to stick straight to the point, you're not very trusting of strangers, and you make make friends slowly. You live alone.

You were always a quiet, as your mother would say, which maybe led to the reason you didn't have many friends. Your mother raised you alone, your father having left before you were born, trying to shelter you from the world. This led to you having trouble making friends, you always seemed to be behind the trends. The only benefits to come from this is your ability to stay away from large groups. You're not very social, able to be by yourself for long periods of time without wanting human interaction. You do, however, have a soft spot for animals, hating to see them suffer. Your mother passed away five years ago, leaving you alone in her small home in the suburbs of Chicago. You work as a nurse, well trained in handling violent injuries due to the crime rate around Chicago you're no stranger to blood. You live alone with a large female white German Shepard named Sally after your mother.

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