Status indicators

From Create Your Own Story

The genie nods. "A page with a status indicator looks very similar to any other page, but with an added line of code." He summons an image:

Page text here

Do you:
*[[Adventure/Option 1]]
*[[Adventure/Option 2]]
*[[Adventure/Option 3]]


[[Category: name of story you're working on]]

"On a page, the syntax will look like this:"

Page text here

Do you:

Health # Equipment:

Pink Dildo

MP #
Level #

Category: name of story you're working on

The genie continues, "This is what a status indicator looks like without the magic."

<table width="100%">
<td bgcolor="#LLCLL" valign="top" width="100%" colspan="3"> <b>Status</b>
<td bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="top" width="8%"> Health
</td><td bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="top" width="8%"> #
</td><td bgcolor="#GGFGG" valign="top" width="84%" rowspan="3"> Equipment:
<td bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="top"> MP
</td><td bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="top"> {{{MP}}}
<td bgcolor="#OOFOO" valign="top"> Level
</td><td bgcolor="#DDFDD" valign="top"> #

"Although this may look complicated I can show you how to manipulate the parts that really matter." The rest leave the same unless you are REALLY good at coding.

Use the format as above to create a new template using double braces "{"
{{Sample Template}}
will look like . Rename it and create the template page.

Use the numbers as references in these lines of code:

<td bgcolor="#LLCLL"[1]valign="top" width="100%" colspan="3"> Status[2]
<<td bgcolor="#OOFOO"[1] valign="top" width="8%"> Health[3]
</td><td bgcolor="#DDFDD"[1] valign="top" width="8%"> # [4]
</td><td bgcolor="#GGFGG"[1] valign="top" width="84%" rowspan="3"> Equipment:[5]

<td bgcolor="#OOFOO"[1] valign="top"> MP[7]
</td><td bgcolor="#DDFDD"[1] valign="top"># [8]
<td bgcolor="#OOFOO"[1] valign="top"> Level[9]
</td><td bgcolor="#DDFDD"[1] valign="top"> #[10]

[1] This is a color. Use the Hex triples, or values beginning with a "#" from [1]
[2] This will be the title of your status bar.
[3] This will be the name of the first row.
[4] This will be the value of the first row.
[5] This will be the name of the remainding space
[7] This will be the value of the remainding space.
[8] This will be the value of the second row.
[9] This will be the name of the third row.
[10] This will be the value of the third row.

"Ready for your next leasson?" "That's a lot to take in, but I think I get it so far," you say.

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