Dive in!

From Create Your Own Story

Remembering the breath mask in your Medkit, you quickly strap it on and dive into the ocean. Thankfully, it's made of milk and not acid or oil or some other unpleasant substance. As you swim about, trying to figure out what to do next, you hear a loud, slurping sound.

Looking up in terror, you see a gigantic, metal disk heading for you. With all speed, you swim out of the way as the disk plunges into the milky sea. You find a landmass and clutch hold, only to gasp in fear as the land crumbles in your hand. You turn back and look at the disk, now extending from a narrow, silver rod. The disk is coming toward the landmass, carrying a white wave in its wake.

You suddenly realize where you are: A giant bowl of cereal. Your MPS indicates that there's a portal at the edge of the disk. It's the closest one, and you wouldn't be able to escape the giant spoon anyhow. Still, there might be other options. Steeling yourself, you start to swim for the disk. This is going to be close.

Keep swimming toward Portal 57

Or if you use the laser baton, you could boil the milk enough for a steam bubble to rise. The bubble could then carry you to Portal 756

Or--if you're really feeling adventurous (read: Suicidal)--let the giant spoon catch you.

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