Accept his hand and allow yourself to be pulled upright

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:02, 2 March 2007 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

Ah, once again you are on your feet like a man and only a little singed. A few electric quivers convulse your form as you shake hands with your cousin.

"I was going to come back for you but I saw a highway patrol car and got sidetracked," you brazenly lie.

Billy Joe Doc Bob nods as though your answer has explained something. "Don't metter. I saw that feller wern't <inaudible> and I cussed a shin in his slint ye know man? Dag how he tot then mebbe, then I crossed the line and t'axe weren't no good no way."

You reflect that your cousin has never been the same since the incident with the snowmobile.

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Health 100 You have:

No pants

MP 0
Level 1

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