Go back to the room

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:05, 20 December 2019 by Amberrain (Talk | contribs)

Me and AJ go back to the room. Immediately AJ grabs me by the shoulders, "Dude that was awesome!!!", he shouts while shaking the life out of me. "Yeah, I can't believe dad didn't notice your loud ass grunting", I jokingly reply. "It made it so much more exhilarating doing that under his nose, you have to order us to do that again! That was so fucking hot", he says while pacing around the room. I look at him seriously, "Don't forget that Im still due a hand job, but I have to admit too, watching you guys in front of my dad was really hot". "I know, right!? But yeah bro, I got your back. It would have just been hard for me to ask her to do that out on the beach, you know?", he says. I wholeheartedly agree, and we talk for a while about mom, make some drinks, and smoke a bowl. I look at the clock, it reads: 5:14 pm.

"Where the hell are my parents? We've been waiting for them for over and hour and a half", I think to myself. Suddenly without warning, the door flings open. My mom and dad then come in stumbling through our room. "Oooppssiiesss, wrong room", mom says drunkingly stumbling her way past us. My dad nudges her, "Dont forget to tell him", he says quietly. "Ohh yeah! Chris, please come alone to me and fathers room right now, we have something we need to discuss with you", she says leaning in my face. They then walk through the conjoining door to their room.

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