Dyteer Party Private, fighting the Rebels and the Dei Aliens

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:44, 1 February 2008 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

"Stay frosty," whispers a sargeant.

You and your company moves forward silently as you spot the rebel scum's perimiter defense. One of your fellow soldiers runs up to a tree and montions you to the brush next to it. You crawl forward and take position behind the brush.

"Ryes, blow the charge."

You nod and take a remote detonator out of your belt.

You look near the rebel's pillbox and stop the carefully hidden C-4 you had placed there the previous night.

"Ryes, do it!" whispers the sargeant urgently.

You press a button, and the pillbox explodes in a fireball. You hear screaming off in the distance.

"Delta, flank left! Ryes, Jackson, and Picard, you're with me," says the sargeant.

You and everyone the sargeant called run up toward the flaming pillbox. Suddenly, a woman with a pistol steps out of the woods and begins shooting at your squad. You raise your machine gun and shoot her three times in the chest.

"Status," says the sargeant.

"The bitch got Picard," says Jackson.

You look down at the body of you fellow squad mate, shot through his mask.

"Keep advancing!" says the sargeant. "He died in the name of President Cutter."

You and the squad keep moving through the woods, until you arrive at the rebel camp. The rest of Delta emerges from behind the tree and regroups with you.

"Torch the tents," says the sargeant to a man with a flamethrower.

You and four other squad members walk around the camp, searching for survivors. Suddenly, you see two men running away from the camp. One of them turns back and looks at you. You motion to the others and begin firing. You manage to hit one of the men in the head, but the one who stared at you managed to get away.

"Let him go, it's getting dark out, and the Dei will probably find him anyways," one of the soldiers to your right says.

"You folks better get ready, we're heading back to base soon," says the sargeant.

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Health 100 Equipment:


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Level Private
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