ND/Refuse Case

From Create Your Own Story

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You're not sure if it's her little seductress act or some kind of gut instinct, but you don't like the sound of this job. Or maybe it's just something inside you that shies away from sinking to the level of a divorce dick - creeping around like a rat and taking photos. Whatever it is, you're not taking this job. 'We don't do divorce cases,' you say.

The blonde arches her eyebrows in surprise. 'Too good for that kind of job, huh?'

'Something like that,' you say.

She looks around your shabby little office. Her little snub nose wrinkles at the sight. 'Are you sure? It looks like you could use the business.'

She's right. Business has been bad for months and the strain is showing. You could do with the money. But are you really going to start taking divorce cases to fill your pocket?

Maybe just one won't hurt...

No way. Anything but this.

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