Amanda introduces Cassie to her strange hobby

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:05, 26 April 2015 by Uman (Talk | contribs)

Amanda smiled.

"Follow me then." the girl told Cassie as she left the room.

Cassie followed Amanda who left out the back door of the house. Cassie was a little self-conscious about being outside in just her panties, but she felt a little better since they were out in the middle of nowhere anyways. Amanda led Cassie into the woods around the back of the house, following a small trail. They walked outside in the evening sun for some time before coming to a shack that was barely still standing. Amanda walked inside and immediately pulled off what little clothing she had on. Naked, she turned around to Cassie and motioned her closer with her finger. Cassie didn't know what to think of the situation. Amanda grabbed Cassie and pulled her panties to the ground, leaving both girls very naked and very close to each other.

"Ready?" Amanda asked with a seductive smile.

"Uh... yeah." Cassie lied.

Amanda spread her legs, balancing on Cassie. She slid her other hand between her thighs and began grunting. Cassie was confused at first. She was disgusted when Amanda's hand returned with something that belonged with a toilet. Amanda slid it into her vagina and began masturbating. Within minutes the girl orgasmed and sat down on the wooden floor.

"So?" Amanda asked, resting on the ground with brownish orgasmic juices dripped out of her.

"What the fuck was that?" Cassie exclaimed.

Amanda grinned as she casually began pooping on the ground in front of Cassie - to the latter girl's disgust.

Amanda dares Cassie to sleep naked outside

Amanda dares Cassie to stick poo in her vagina and sleep with it

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