User talk:Elerneron

From Create Your Own Story

I added the appropriate category to your guidelines. Please note, all pages, other than user pages, must still have the correct category included. --Dirty Me 05:58, 24 July 2014 (UTC)

Sorry about that, I guess I was in just too much of a hurry. I'll try not to do it again. --Elerneron

No worries. I am not the site admin, that is Platypus. I just wanted to warn you because he gives three warnings and then bans the person. You did not seem to have the problem, so just wanted to mention before you got a warning.

As for replying, better to go to my talk page to reply. I might not see you responded to yours, but I will get a notice if you reply on my talk. --Dirty Me 07:44, 24 July 2014 (UTC)

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