Pi Pi Pi/What your wearing right now

From Create Your Own Story

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With little option and now way out you stand there practically naked in front of two girls you've just met as they decide your fate. They both turn with devilish smiles on their faces and your heart sinks, you know this can't be good.

"I think we have a clear winner don't you Jasmin" says Athena as she seems to eye your practically naked body

"Mhmm," she nods "we're defiantly gonna have to go with that sexy little outfit right there" nodding her head with that smile across her face.

Your heart drops as a shiver of fear and excitement runs down your spine "Oh...OK," you say as you start to turn back into the dressing room before feeling a hand on your shoulder

"Where do you think you're going, you still have to buy this remember" Athena stopping you.

"But I can't just..."

"Oh I think you can" agrees Jasmin as she takes you by the other side, the two guiding you to the register. This would be the third trip you've made today to the register and yet you have no idea who's even working it.

When you get there you find

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

crotchless and breast less fishnet teddy

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