Talk:War and Sex

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:34, 17 December 2011 by Fletcher Peninsula (Talk | contribs)

I'd like to say War and Sex is a great "Adventure" and I have created an account just so I can help continue telling this great Conan-escapade.

Cool Rev that you´ve chosen to work on this story, good start! I´ve havent worked on this in a while, althrough I thought about continuing writing, or rewritting some parts of it for some time now. However my computer spontaneously died on me so now I can´t write anything :) Fletcher Peninsula

Im really impressed by the world setting and Im a sucker for Robert E. Howard stories. I hope to fill in some of the dead links in the beginning. But I hope you and some others will add more as well. Thanks. -Rev

Please continue

Please continue working on this story, its awesome i mean really its terrific how well this story was made so far i would love to see how all the paths end, and i would like to say good work so far to everywho worked on this it has become my favouite article on this site.


Glad that you liked it.

I am kind of on a hiatus right now. My real life is simply to time-consuming for writing CYOA. Writing takes a lot of time for me, being dyslextic and not speaking english as my first language I must often double-check the meaning and spelling of words and such. So cranking out pages is a lot of work. That being said, it appears things are begining to loosen up. So I might get back to writing soon enough.

I really don´t know why I never spent more time on this story. It seems to be the one CYOA people like the best among my sparse work. I do have the plot planned out in my head, so that isn´t the problem. (I´m a natural ploter, pretty much inventing the whole story in my head before writing and then see what modifications happen). There´s also some things I´m not satisfied with, like never giving the King a name for instance *facepalm*.

That being said, when I return, I´ll give this story some thought and see what I come up with.

--Fletcher Peninsula

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