Return to the car

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:54, 17 September 2011 by 903860 (New) (Talk | contribs)

You slowly walk towards the car, shaking. We shouldn't have gone to this place. you think. When you look underneath the car, what you see terrifies you. A huge monster is laughing, laughing at you as it scurries into a sewer.

Suddenly, you feel a cold, bony, hand on your back. You jump away, and then realize it's your mom. Your dad, who has a head, and Alex are standing right next to them.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

You feel like your heart is a powwow drum; beating and beating and beating.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Alex says nervously.

A noise, the same one as before, starts to come from the car.

You push your parents and Alex away from the car, as it shatters into a million pieces.

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