Screw the Jedi and go off to become a Sith

From Create Your Own Story

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*[[Adventure/Make your own porno and release it on the holo net]]
*[[CW: Make your own porno and release it on the holo net]]
*[[Adventure/Go assassinate a prominent Jedi]]
*[[CW: Go assassinate a prominent Jedi]]
*[[Adventure/Go into the slums and train your dark powers]]
*[[CW: Go into the slums and train your dark powers]]
[[Category:Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga]]
[[Category:Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga]]
{{StarStatus|char=Ahsoka Tano|movie=Clone Wars}}
{{StarStatus|char=Ahsoka Tano|movie=Clone Wars}}

Revision as of 23:53, 23 August 2010

Excellent choice young sith. The Jedi are a weak and hypocritical order. They will be destroyed soon enough so why go down with the ship? Leaving the temple you travel to the slums of coruscant. There you can foster your powers of the darkside and plan. After "persuading" a weak minded land owner, you find yourself with a small one room apartment with which to plan. It is really nothing special. A small bed in one corner, a desk on another, a single flouresant light on the ceiling gives the metallic room a sickly yellow glow. When the light is off, the blue neon light seeps through the the blinds in your window. Night is falling now. So now you wonder to yourself just how you can get the sith to notice you. You could go on the holonet and start your own webcam, the sith have to have horny people in their ranks with no sex partners. Or you could go and assassinate a jedi important enough to get the attention of the people at the top. Or you could go out into the slums and practice your dark powers on the unsuspecting slum dwellers, increasing your mastery of the force and thus making you even more worthy to join the ranks of the sith... what do you do?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Ahsoka Tano
Clone Wars
Health 10 Equipment:


MP 10
Level 1

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